Vastu Shastra

Vastu shastra is a result oriented and experience based science. It is a science of event manifest. It changes one’s cosmic path leading to success, stability and sense. It deals with natural forces and changes one’s relationship with them. It builds a beautiful bridge between the inner spaces and the outer spaces. It defines one’s path effortlessly and subtracts natural hindrance and blockage. It creates a positive relationship between microcosm i.e. individual and macrocosm i.e. outer world or universe.

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Vastu shastra is a direction (Disha) oriented science whereas Astrology is the science of planetary position (Dasha). Human life is affected by the energy of directions around and the change in planetary position as well. So the balance between the directions and the planetary position is very important.  And planetary position in the horoscope of a person gives indication about a suitable direction for a particular person. Hence it is very important to incorporate Astrology with Vastu shastra while designing the interiors of the residence/office.

Feng-shui is also known as Chinese Vastu shastra. We can detect the flaw through the science of Vastu shastra but we can rectify it with the science if feng-shui. So if Vastu shastra is a disease then Feng-shui is the remedy. Feng-shui helps to energize the place with the use of yantras. Feng-shui helps not to do any structural changes in the building if it is not vastu friendly.